
1 min

Have You Seen the Ushpizin Movie?

Need to prepare for the holidays, but can’t seem to get off the couch?

We have a solution for you! Here is one of our Israeli movie recommendations that you must watch! One of the best Sukkot movies of all time, Ushpizin!

Ushpizin is the Aramaic word for “guests” and symbolizes the Jewish forefathers who come to visit the Jews in their sukkahs each year.

In this light and playful film, you watch as a young Ultra-Orthodox couple come to host some unexpected guests. Hint: definitely not the Jewish forefathers!

You will laugh, you will cry, and sit in suspense as the story of Moshe and Malli unfolds in their attempt to create the perfect Sukkot holiday.

⇓ Watch the trailer here ⇓

The storyline
The movie takes place in Jerusalem, in which a newly religious couple struggling financially, as they take on their new life together. With a surprise gift of money from Moshe’s yeshiva, the couple is able to create the ideal holiday, and host two of Moshe’s seemingly troubled friends from his pre-religious days. Little do they know, they are providing refuge for two ex-convicts on the run!

The movie, with its dramatic ups and downs and surprising twists, will have you at the edge of your seat, experiencing each and every moment along with the main characters.