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The Matchmaking Bus Driver

Everyone has an "Only in Israel" story!

Here's Dana's story:

I got on a bus right before the holidays one year, only to realize that I did not have enough money on my Rav Kav (Israeli bus card) to pay for the ride!

I made a joke to the driver saying, “Oh, I have to pay for this?

The inside of an Israeli bus / Yonina F

And it all started from there…

Driver: Well you do have to pay, but if you were to marry an Egged worker, you’d be exempt!

Me: In this situation, I think I’d rather marry an EL AL worker for free flights!

Driver: I don’t know anyone at EL AL but I have many great single guys in Egged (Israel’s main bus company).

Me: (laughing) Oh yeah? How old? Ready for retirement?

Driver: Well, there are definitely a few your age.

Me: (laughing even harder, after he just called me old!) Are you seriously trying to be my matchmaker now? Only in Israel!

Driver: Why not? I have done this before! Where are you from?

Me: Romania.

Driver: Great, we have some Romanians! Some Yemenites too! I am Yemenite! Whatever you want. Are you single? Do you want to give me your phone number?

As I got off the bus, I heard the driver call out to me Hag Sameah, but you still need to give me an answer!”

I didn’t get a date, but I did enter the holiday with a huge smile on my face!