Top 5 Trips for After the Seger
01 The Dead Sea
Let's face it -- it has been a stressful year. We all deserve some relaxation, and the Dead Sea is the perfect place to chill out during hol hamoed. Perfect for a few nights' stay, or drive up for the day! Float in the tranquil water, slather on some mud, and absorb Vitamin D.
02 Eilat
Snorkeling in the gorgeous sea, lounging by the pool in an all-inclusive hotel...yeah, Eilat is the place to be during hol hamoed. It even starts to cool down a bit this time of year!
03 The Kinneret
Looking for some freshwater fun? The Kinneret is perfect! Not only are there absolutely gorgeous views, but the Kinneret provides an oasis away from the craziness of the city. You can camp out here or rent a zimmer (similar to a private bed and breakfast). Swim during the day, and enjoy the quiet at night!
04 Caesarea
Not far from Tel Aviv, Caesarea is a gorgeous city on the Mediterranean. Hit the beaches, or rent a villa with a pool if you can get a bunch of friends to chip in with you! Caesarea is also home to Israel's only golf course, so if you're looking for an American-style vacation, this is the place.
05 Tel Aviv
It might seem different, but there is nothing like a staycation! Whether you live in the city or outside of Tel Aviv, it's the best place to vacation in the world! Rent a room in a beachside hotel or Airbnb, or take a unique spot in Yafo or the Kerem.