A Flat Tire
Everyone has an "only in Israel" story, here is LIsa's story:

After visiting a friend, I realized that my car had a flat tire. As I was beginning to figure out a plan of action, and random Israeli walking by stops to help me. He changes my tire for me!
Already I was shocked by the kindness I had received. This would never happen in the US. I would have called roadside assistance right away, because who assumes that a random person would change my tire for me? I realized that the new tire was low on air, so I made my way to the nearest gas station, unsuccessfully trying to use the gas station's compressor to add air. As I was about to give up and call a tow truck, another complete stranger comes over to show me the "trick" in filling up tires. He then proceeds to check and fill all of my tires!
I bought him some water, and we parted ways. Two kind strangers in one day!
The random acts of kindness in this country are part of the culture!
Only in Israel